GE Lesodopra I-12 [250ml/100 ml]

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Organic approach to control garden pest and disease

GE Lesodopra I-12

Biological approach against Leaf-eating insects


GE Lesodopra I-12 is a natural pest control product specially formulated to protect plants from leaf-eating insects. It consists of several fermented plant extracts and organic silicon that form a natural defense layer after applied on plant surface. Leaf-eating insects that feed on leaves treated with Lesodopra I-12 will have a dramatic decrease in its digestive efficiency. This will stop them from feeding vigorously hence prevents further plant damage.

Bio Adjuvant                                                 –              95.0 %

Boron (B) 0.5% w/w                                    –             0.525% w/v

Iron (Fe) 1% w/w                                         –             1.05% w/v

Molybdenum (Mo) 0.5% w/w                   –             0.525% w/v

pH                                                                   –             4.5

Target pests:

  1. Cabbage white caterpillar
  2. Leaf miner larvae
  3. Leaf roller caterpillar
  4. Moth larvae

Recommended usage: 2ml/1L water. Spray directly to upper and lower leaf surfaces of vegetables, herbaceous plants, ornamental plants and fruit trees as early prevention of leaf-eating insects infestation; or plants with light or moderate infestation.

Notice: Harmful if swallowed. Lesodopra I-12 should not be mixed with products containing copper, strong acid or emulsifier as chemical reaction will occur causing the breaking down of organic substances. Keep in cool, dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.


GE Lesodopra I-12 [250ml/100 ml]

  • Lesodopra I-12 merupakan produk kawalan perosak semulajadi yang dirumus khas untuk melindungi tumbuhan daripada serangga pemakan daun. Ia terdiri daripada beberapa ekstrak tumbuhan yang diperam dan silikon organik yang membentuk lapisan pertahanan semula jadi selepas digunakan pada permukaan tumbuhan.

Sasaran serangga :

  • Ulat kubis putih
  • Ulat pelompong daun
  • Ulat penggelidik daun
  • Larva kupu-kupu

Penggunaan yang disyorkan :

  • 2 ml/1L air. Sembur pada permukaan atas dan bawah daun sayur-sayuran,  tumbuhan herba,  tumbuhan hiasan dan pokok buah-buahan sebagai pencegahan awal serangan serangga pemakan daun;  atau tumbuhan dengan serangan ringan atau sederhana.

Perhatian :

  • Bahaya jika tertelan. Lesodopra I-12 tidak boleh dicampurkan dengan produk yang mengandungi tembaga,  asid kuat atau pengemulsi sebagai tindak balas kimia akan berlaku menyebabkan pemecahan bahan organik. Simpan di tempat yang kering dan sejuk,  jauhi haba dan pancaran matahari.


Lesodopra I-12 [100 ml]

  • Lesodopra I-12 是一种天然害虫防治产品,专门用于保护植物免受食叶昆虫的侵害。 它由几种发酵的植物提取物和有机硅组成,施用于植物表面后形成天然防御层。 以经 Lesodopra I-12 处理过的叶子为食的食叶昆虫的消化效率会急剧下降。 这将阻止它们剧烈进食,从而防止进一步的植物损害。



Example Cabbage worm

Example Leaf miner

Example leaf roller

Example Spodoptera larvae

Example Tuta absoluta

Example Beet army worm

Example Helicoverpa Armigera larvae

Example Caterpillar