Amino Code SWA 804


Seaweed extract has great importance due to its content with high levels of organic matters and micro elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, Mo, Mn and Ni). It also rich in growth regulators such as auxins, cytokinin’s and gibberellins.

It was clear that seaweed extract could increase plant height and number of its branches in comparison with the control. This is attributed to the composition of the seaweed extract such as natural growth hormones that promote plant growth via increasing a number of metabolic events; cell division and enlargement which in turn leading to increase plant height. In addition, the extract contains a considerable amount of macro and micro elements which play an important role in the activation of many enzymes and coenzymes which are involved in several biological processes leading to cell division and enlargement.

On the other hand, amino acids are able to stimulate cell growth and acting as buffers maintaining favorable pH value within the plant cell as well as synthesizing other organic compounds. Amino acids in essential quantities is well known as a means have positive effects on plant growth, yield and quality of different crops.

Seaweed extract and amino acids form one of the best combination. With the combination effect of the two, it provides plants the ability to overcome environmental stresses like heat and drought. Not only that, they will assist in absorption and translocation of nutrients like NPK and trace elements. It also increases metabolic activities of crops to produce more hormones and enzymes that promote nutrients needed by plants. This free amino acids will also stimulate activities of micro-organisms in the soil which ultimately reduces soil fungus diseases.

Other than seaweed extract and amino acid in this product, there is also guaranteed composition of Nitrogen 5%, Phosphorus 5% and Potassium of 5% to help provide minimal but necessary macro elements to the plants.

Category Details
Volume 1 L
Price (RM) 55.00
Reference Date 10/1/2025
Volume 4 L
Price (RM) 180.00
Reference Date 10/1/2025
Volume 20 L
Price (RM) 720.00
Reference Date 10/1/2025


Features & Benefits

  • Increase crop stress resistance
  • Promote nutrients availability and uptake
  • Increase crop metabolic activities
  • Stimulate micro-organisms activities in the soil
  • Provide natural defends against fungal infections
  • Faster growth
  • Higher yield
  • Better quality crops

Active Contents:

Nitrogen 5%
Phosphorus 5%
Potassium 5%
Fish protein 0.5%
Free amino acid 7.5%
Chitosan 0.3%
Seaweed 40%


Crops Rate: ml per L water Rate: L per Ha Spray Timings & Intervals
Leaft vegetables –
Cai xin, cabbage, Kangkong
2.0 1.0 Spray before and after transplanting. Every 7 days
Fruity vegetables –
Chilli, tomato, beans,
melons, cucumber
2.0 1.0 Spray before and after transplanting. Spray at flowering, fruit set and ripening. Every 7 days.
Fruit – 2.0 (Foliar) 1.0 (Foliar) Spray at flowering, fruit
set and ripening
Durian, mango, citurs,
5.0 (Drench) 2.5ml/ m (Drench) Soil drench at fertilizer
Rice 2.0 1.0 Spray before and after
Tillering (20-25 DAS), panicle initiation (45-55 DAS) and ripening (75-85 DAS)
Ornamentals –
Orchids, chrysanthemum
2.0 1.0 Spray before and after
transplanting. Every 7 days.
Oil palm nursery 2.0 (Foliar) 1.0 (Foliar) Spray before and after transplanting. Every 7 days
5.0 (Drench) 2.5ml/ m (Drench) Soil drench after transplanting


SKU: Amino Code SWA 804 Category:


Amino Code SWA 804


  • GE Amino Code SWA 804 ialah perangsang pertumbuhan optimum untuk tanaman. Ia kaya dengan ekstrak rumpai laut yang terbukti secara saintifik dapat menambahbaik keupayaan tanah memegang nutrien dan menambah ketersediaan nutrien untuk penyerapan akar. Juga terkandung dalam ekstrak rumpai laut ialah unsur mikro (Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, Mo, Mn & Ni) dan pengawalatur pertumbuhan, seperti auksin, sitokinin dan giberelin.
  • Produk ini mengandungi gabungan ekstrak rumpai laut dan asid amino diformulasi khas untuk pembentukan bahan pemnambahbaik tanah yang menyokong tanaman mengatasi cabaran suhu semakin meningkat dan musim kering berpanjangan. Fomulasi khas ini meningkatkan kecekapan penggunaan baja melalui galakan pengambilan unsur primer NPK, unsur surih dan translokasi nutrien dalam tumbuhan. Hasilnya, keperluan khasiat untuk pertumbuhan yang subur dipenuhi, maka tanaman mampu berhasil penuaian optimum.


Perhatian: Produk ini tidak sesuai dicampurkan dengan larutan yang mengandungi kalsium, kerana pemendakan boleh berlaku



  • Meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman terhadap keadaan buruk
  • Menambah ketersediaan nutrient tanah
  • Meningkatkan metabolik tumbuhan dan pengambilan nutrien
  • Memperkuatkan pelbagai mikroorganisma tanah yang bermanfaat
  • Memperkuatkan rintangan tanaman terhadap penyakit


  • Pertumbuhan lebih cepat
  • Hasil yang lebih tinggi
  • Kualiti tanaman yang lebih baik


Amino Code SWA 804

  • GE Amino Code SWA 804是植物生长激活素, 促进农作物茁壮茂盛,提高产量及收成品质。它富含海藻萃取物, 科学佐证显示海藻萃取物能够有效地提高土壤保留养分功能 (保肥力),并增进养分的生物化学转化以加速被根部吸收。此外,海藻萃取物也含有微量元素(包括铁、铜、锌、钴、钼、锰和镍)和植物生长调节剂,例如植物生长素、细胞分裂素和赤霉素。


  • 所含的海藻萃取物特别调配添加氨基酸以形成土壤改良剂,使泥土有良好生长环境,有助于根系发展,植物就有更好的生命活力以克服极端天气,尤其是持续高温和漫长干旱时期。此外,腐殖酸与氨基酸的混合有助植物充分吸收养分(即NPK和微量元素)以及养分渗透微管组织快速输送。农作植物将得到饱满的营养以充分发挥其生产力,从而实现高量高品质收成。




  • 抵御极端天气与环境
  • 提高土壤保肥力
  • 增加植物的新陈代谢活动和养分吸收
  • 更强大和更多样性有益土壤微生物
  • 更强的抗病力


  • 更快的增长
  • 更高的产量
  • 更好的农作物质量