Amino Code SWP 838

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Amino Code SWP 838 is brown seaweed extract powder derived from South America which rich in alginic acid.

Seaweed extract has great importance due to its content with high levels of organic matters and micro elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, Mo, Mn and Ni). It also rich in growth regulators such as auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins.

It was clear that seaweed extract could increase plant height and number of its branches in comparison with the control. This is attributed to the composition of the seaweed extract such as natural growth hormones that promote plant growth via increasing a number of metabolic events; cell division and enlargement which in turn leading to increase plant height. In addition, the extract contains a considerable amount of macro and micro elements which play an important role in the activation of many enzymes and coenzymes which are involved in several biological processes leading to cell division and enlargement.

Alginic acid could act as a soil conditioner and as a plant conditioner. In its role as a soil conditioner, alginic acid combines with metals in the soil to create a unique polymer. This polymer retains significant amounts of moisture, enhancing the soil’s structure and also aiding with moisture retention during dry periods. Because of this, plant roots have better access to both nutrients and air within the soil, resulting in healthier, stronger growth.

It’s also important to note that alginic acid in the soil encourages bacterial growth. This has a positive effect on plant health.

Category Details
Volume 1 kg
Price (RM) 50.00
Reference Date 13/1/2025
Volume 25 kg
Price (RM) 1000.00
Reference Date 13/1/2025



  1. Increase crop stress resistance
  2. Improve water retaining in the soil
  3. Promote nutrients availability and uptake
  4. Increase crop metabolic activities
  5. Stimulate micro-organisms activities in the soil
  6. Provide natural defends against fungal infections
  7. Increase plant’s antibody


  1. Faster growth
  2. Higher yield
  3. Better quality crops
  4. Lower chance for plants to fall ill


Crops Growth Dilution Interval
Fruits trees Before and after budding after setting to fruits development 0.5 – 1 g/L 21 – 30 days
After harvest 2 g/L
Roots irrigation or drench


Crops Growth Dilution Interval
Vegetables seedling 0.5 – 1 g/L
Vegetative growth 1 g/L 10 – 14 days




Amino Code SWP 838

Amino Code SWP 838 ialah serbuk rumpai laut tulen Ascophyllum nodosum, sejenis spesis rumpai laut perang yang kaya dengan asid alginik dan nutrien, yang berasal dari Amerika Selatan. Produk ini diekstrak melalui fermentasi biologi enzimolisis yang memastikan kandungan nutrien kekal tinggi selepas pemprosesan.


Asid alginik boleh berfungsi sebagai perapi tanah, iaitu melalui pergabungan dengan mineral dalam tanah yang menghasilkan sejenis polimer berkemampuan mengekalkan kelembapan, memperbaiki struktur tanah dan melestarikan kelembapan tanah yang membantu tanaman mengharungi musim kering dan panas. Selain itu, akar tanaman adalah lebih cekap dalam pengambilan nutrien dan berakar dalam tanah berpengudaraan mencukupi, hasilnya tanaman adalah lebih kuat dan sihat. Tambahan lagi, asid alginik menggalakkan pertumbuhan pelbagai bakteria tanah bermanfaat yang berkepentingan untuk kesihatan tanaman.


Ekstrak rumpai laut kami kaya dengan bahan organic, unsur surih (Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, Mo, Mn dan Ni) dan pengawalatur tumbuhan seperti auksin, sitokinin dan giberelin yang penting untuk pertumbuhan optimum. Serbuk rumpai laut tulen ini berkelarutan tinggi, oleh itu kandungan nutrien sangat mudah diserap untuk keperluan tindak balas dalam tisu tumbuhan.



  1. Meningkatkan daya tahan tanaman terhadap cabaran iklim dan penyakit
  2. Melestarikan kelembapan tanah
  3. Menggalakkan ketersediaan dan pengambilan nutrient
  4. Meningkatkan aktiviti metabolik tanaman
  5. Mengaktifkan mikroorganisma tanah yang bermanfaat
  6. Menguatkan imuniti tanaman



  1. Mempercepatkan pertumbuhan
  2. Meningkatkan hasil
  3. Meningkatkan kualiti hasil
  4. Lebih tahan terhadap jangkitan penyakit

Amino Code SWP 838

GE Amino Code SWP 838 是富含褐藻酸和养分的纯海藻粉。它是提炼自分布于南美洲的褐藻,学名为Ascophyllum nodosum。此产品生产是经过特别的酶解生物发酵过程, 以避免养分流失和确保保留原料所含的高养分。

当褐藻酸与土壤中的矿物质结合即组成特殊的聚合物。此聚合物是土壤的改良剂, 因为它能改善土壤的结构和水分保持力,特别有助于土壤保持足够的湿度度过干旱酷热季节。此外也提升土壤的疏松通气性质、激活土壤益生菌与微生物和促进根系的养分吸收,促进农作物健壮生长。

本产品富含有机物,微量元素(铁、铜、锌、钴、钼、锰和镍)和植物激素, 例如植物生长素、细胞分裂素和激勃素,都是植物生理生长重要的活性有机物。




  1. 提高农作物抗逆性
  2. 改善土壤保水性
  3. 促进养分的涵容和吸收力
  4. 增加农作物的代谢活动
  5. 激活土壤有益微生物
  6. 增强植物免疫力


  1. 更快速的成长
  2. 更高的收获
  3. 收成质量更好
  4. 明显甚少感染病害