codacal boro 1045

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100% imported from Spain

2 ml mixed in 1 liter water for foliar application
4 ml mixed in 1 liter water for soil drenched application

Guaranteed analysis % w/w % w/v
Calcium oxide (CaO) complex and water soluble 8.0 10.4
Boron (B) water soluble 0.4 0.52

Complexing agent: Lignosulphonates

Codacal boro 1045 is specially recommended to apply by foliar application to prevent deficiencies of calcium (CaO) and boron (B)

The calcium is a secondary macroelement of great importance as cellular walls component. If calcium is absent, the cellular walls lose consistency, causing spots and necrosis: Blossom-end-rot or apical necrosis.

The boron facilitates sugar transport and is basic for the cellular walls pectins synthesis. The association of calcium and boron gives quality and post-harvest life to the fruit.

Codacal boro 1045 is a liquid product ideal for foliar applications though it can be applied by fertigation.

  • It prevents and corrects deficiencies of calcium and boron.
  • It strengthens cellular walls and facilitates sugar transport improving the quality and post-harvest life of the fruits.
Category Details
Volume 1 L
Price (RM) 53.00
Reference Date 10/1/2025
Volume 5 L
Price (RM) 225.00
Reference Date 10/1/2025


Application method and doses
Crops Doses by foliar Application time
Fruit trees and citrus 250-300 cc/hl – application From the fruit setting
Horticulturals 250-300 cc/hl – application From the fruits setting


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codacal boro 1045


  • Kalsium adalah unsur-makro sekunder yang amat penting sebagai komponen dinding sel. Tanpa kalsium, dinding sel akan kehilangan konsisten, mengakibatkan bintik dan kematian sel: kematian sel pada hujung buah atau daun.
  • Boron memudahkan pengangkutan gula dan ia adalah asas untuk sintesis pektin dinding sel. Penyatuan kalsium dan boron memberikan kualiti dan hayat lepas tuai buah.

codacal boro 1045 sesuai untuk aplikasi secara semburan daun walaupun ia boleh digunakan untuk fertigasi:-

  • Ia mencegahkan  dan memulihkan kekurangan kalsium dan boron.
  • Ia menguatkan dinding sel dan memudahkan pengangkutan gula untuk meningkatkan kualiti dan hayat lepas tuai buah-buahan.

codacal boro 1045

  •  最适合用于叶面喷施,以防治缺钙和缺硼。
  • 钙是次量元素,也是构成细胞壁的主要元素。作物若缺钙,其细胞壁将失去稳定性,诱发斑点和坏死:脐腐病或顶烧病。
  • 硼有助于糖的运输,也是果胶在细胞壁合成的基本元素。钙与硼的相互作用让果实有更好的品质和保鲜期。

codacal boro 1045 为适合用于叶面喷施的液态产品,然而它亦可以用于滴灌系统。

  • 它可以防治钙硼的缺乏。
  • 它可以强化细胞壁和促进糖的运输,提高水果的品质和保鲜期。





Additional information

Weight 5.00 kg