320 Sayur Kekwa Daun Kecil
- Kutip hasil 30-35 DAT
- Pokok beraroma
- Tinggi pokok: 25-30 cm
- Tahan penyakit
- Jarak penanaman: 15 x 15 cm
- (1 g = 520 benih)
- 移栽至采收30-35天
- 植株芳香
- 株高:25-30 公分
- 抗病
- 种植距离: 15 x 15 公分(1 克 = 520 籽)
1 g ≈ 526 seeds
For shipping calculation purpose, as we have many different weight of family pack (seeds) due to many different varieties, upon checkout, the weight of eight family pack is calculated as 10 g.
Weight | 0.01 kg |