145 F1 Hybrid Grade A Japanese Choy Sum Kale


1 g ≈ 271 seeds

For shipping calculation purpose, as we have many different weights of family pack (Seeds) due to many different varieties, upon checkout, the weight of each family pack is calculated as 10 g.

  • Harvest 30-50 days after sowing.
  • Interspecific hybrid between cabbage and Komatsuna (Japanese mustard).
  • Tasty and high nutrition.
  • Heat tolerance.
SKU: 145 Category:


145 F1 Hibrid Kai Lan Jepun Grade A


  • Kutip hasil 30-35 DAS
  • Hibrid antara-species kubis dan Komatsuna (sawi Jepun)
  • Sedap dan berkhasiat tinggi
  • Tahan panas
  • Jarak penanaman: 30 x 30 cm

(1 g = 271 benih)


  • 播种至采收30-35天
  • 卷心菜和日本小松菜的种间杂交
  • 美味且营养营养价值高
  • 耐热
  • 种植距离: 30 x 30 公分

(1 克 = 271 籽)

Additional information

Weight 0.01 kg